Those Two Hearts)

In a letter she once wrote to us, D. Eugenia Signorile said she had a fixed idea of love (these were not her exact words, but the concept was more or less the same).  So her new booklet on Blessed Alexandrina is entitled Quei Due Cuori – ‘Those two Hearts’, referring to the Sacred Heart and the Immaculate Heart.  Therefore, Love.

Cover and back cover of Quei Due Cuori

Thus it plunges us deeper in the Christian message, since "God is Love."

So many people speak of love today!  But the fundamental flaw is the lack of generosity. What is often called love is frequently a selfish personal interest, without truly giving, with no long term obligation.

Who can understand the love of God?  The love He calls us to, in his Son?  Who hears the voices of Jesus and of our Heavenly Mother calling us to love ?

It is no doubt this appeal to love that motivates the "Blessed Alexandrina” group which D. Eugenia directs and which introduces the book.

The book is organized into four chapters: the Sacred Heart of Jesus; the Immaculate Heart of Mary; Alexandrina and the two Hearts; and Trust and abandonment.

The final two chapters are very short; only the second is long.

The copyright of this small volume belongs to the Association "Sotto il Manto di Maria Regina della Pace".

Although Quei Due Cuori was printed only last month, it is already for sale online at the following websites: