By Eugenia Signorile

The Lord is the stronghold of my life; of whom shall I be afraid?
(Ps 27, 1)

They had cried out and been safe; they had waited in Thee and they had not been disillusioned.
 (Ps 21, 6)[1]



No human means obtains to free me from this tribulation that distresses me for so much time:  I will invoke the aid of the Heavens! 

But I feel myself so unable to find the words to pray God directly... 

I will appeal to the intercession of Alexandrina, remembering all that I found in her writings. 

In an ecstasy, Our Lady said her: 

"May you be invoked through the times … when you will be in Heavens, as martyr of pains, for comfort and balsam of human pains!

And Jesus, also in ecstasy: 

"I chose you for the happiness of many souls.” 


I will now do a novena to Alexandrina. 

O Alexandrina, also I invoke you:  follow me in these nine days!

Jesus said to you: 


"Suffering cannot be removed from love. 

How unhappy those who suffer without loving!“


Now I want to believe that I will also become one of those souls that, growing in Thy love, reach the happiness already here in this world. 

And, to grow in love, I want to learn from you.  Help me! 

I’m putting myself in a humble attitude before God and to use your words. 

First day

When coming close to God, the Infinite and the highest Good, the soul feels all its smallness and misery. 

Prayer of repentance

"Cry, cry, my soul! 

May your tears and agonies be of pain for not having loved Jesus and having offended Him so much. 

Cry, my soul, cry, so that your tears move Jesus to the compassion to set me on fire of His divine love and to make me yearn for Him." 

"Dear Mummy, make that I cry rivers of tears of repentance for my many sins, having however received so many benefits from You and from Jesus." 

"Seeing my ungratefulness and the ungratefulness of the world, I  said: 

"O Jesus, I do not know how You did not leave already the tabernacle and you flown to the Heavens, leaving us alone in the land: 

the sun obeyed Thee and was hidden; the night obeyed Thee and appeared with moonlight and the stars. 

How this is beautiful! 

What sadness, when men only offend Thee!"“

Worship and supplication

O most Holy Trinity, I adore Thee and thank Thee

Because You gave us the example of Alexandrina,

Very pure drop of Your love. 

I pray Thee that Thou help me to imitate her

In her real love for the Eucharist; 

I offer myself to Thee and dedicate myself entirely to you. 

I supplicate Thee humbly that Thou glorify her with Canonization and that Thou grant to me, by her intercession, the grace that fervently ask of you (... here mention the petition).


Glory to the Father…

Mary, our aid, pray for us! 

Second day

The repentance does not have value if it is not followed by a strong intention of amendment. 

Prayer of conversion

"I have so many desires to transform myself and to correct all my defects, of being only what He wants me to be!" 

"Jesus, correct me in my defects; do not allow that I offend You!

I am so far from being perfect, from using with all the charity of Jesus!”

"Help me, my Love, to convert me truly to You.  Let me become me truly similar to Your divine Heart. 

What anxieties I have of loving You and to love the next one!  Give me Your love, Jesus, give me Your love!" 

"O my beloved, transform my icy heart into the most burning love, so that You can be loved by all the hearts." 

"O my beloved Mummy of the Heavens, o Shelter of sinners, tell Jesus that I want to be a saint" 

"My God, my God, what battle, what suffering, what a struggle of my rebellious nature while wanting to do only the will of my Lord!" 

"Jesus, I am no longer the same one! 

Do You remember how much I offended You? 

Now I want only to love You."  

Worship and supplication

O most Holy Trinity,

I adore Thee and thank Thee (as in first day)


Glory to the Father…

Mary, our aid, pray for us! 

Third day

Repentance and will of conversion grant us pardon. 

Prayer of pardon

"O Mummy, ask Jesus to pardon me! 

Tell Him that I am the prodigal son who comes back to the house of his good Father, disposed to love Him, to adore Him, to obey Him and to imitate Him. 

Say to Him that I do not want anymore to offend him. 

O Mummy, grant me true sorrow for my sins, so that by my repentance I may remain pure as an angel!  Pure as I remained after my Baptism, so that by my purity I obtain the compassion of my Jesus." 

"Forgive, forgive, my Father, my Father and my Creator! 

Only for Your love, only for Your love I am here, Jesus, sorrowful and regretful... 

Give me Your love, give me Your pardon, o Jesus, o Jesus, o Jesus!" 

"O my Jesus, o my Jesus, pardon, pardon, pardon for my sins!" 

"Give me Your love, give me Your pardon! 

Give me Your pardon, o Jesus, o Jesus, o Jesus " 

Worship and supplication

O most Holy Trinity,

I adore Thee and thank Thee (as in first day)


Glory to the Father…

Mary, our aid, pray for us! 

Fourth day

Now the soul can raise itself in supplication. 

Prayer of supplication

"Jesus, have mercy on all who suffer and do not know its spiritual value, as me!" 

"Who will be able to live thus, my Jesus?  Give to me Your grace, without which life in this exile is despair, is death." 

"Jesus, receive my supplications, receive them, receive them!  Jesus, do not refuse even though the one if who asks is unworthy, but remember Your divine promises and Your requirement when ordering us to supplicate You with persistence. 

I ask for, Jesus, I ask for and I trust." 

"O Jesus, o Mummy, o Father, o Holy Spirit, take care of my supplications, take care of my prayers!  I do not always say them, my adorable Trinity, but I show You my heart:  they are all there well visible. 

Take care of them, Jesus!" 

"Give to me, Jesus, the fire of Your most Holy Heart. 

Be You my strength, give to me Your peace!" 

"Jesus, stay always in me so that I may suffer for Thee,

with Your Heart I may love!" 

"O my God, o my God, my spirit sails in the darknesses, almost I despair. 

Compassion, compassion, my Jesus, I ask for compassion!"

"My voice remains suffocated with so much pain:  it seems that it does not arrive to the Heavens!" 

Worship and supplication

O most Holy Trinity,

I adore Thee and thank Thee (as in first day)


Glory to the Father…

Mary, our aid, pray for us! 

Fifth day

The soul, when invoking, feels the necessity of looking also at Mary, Mother of Jesus and our Mother. 

Prayer to Mary

"May my poor prayers arrive in Heaven; I want to make them rich, valuable, but I cannot.  I ask for my beloved Mummy to talk to Jesus, to offer everything and intercede for me." 

"O Mummy, speck in my heart and my lips:  may my prayers become more fervent and my petitions worthy." 

"Mummy, ask Your Jesus light for Your little daughter, ask for comfort for my soul!"

"Mummy, do not abandon me!  Do not leave me to sadden Jesus! 

Grant that I can shoulder my cross, grant that we can all take our cross with the greatest love, and greatest merit!" 

"Your way, Mother of Jesus,

Give to me courage to take the cross. 

To take the cross in this bitterness,

Among darknesses, in so much dryness." 

“O Mummy, o Mummy, through Your Immaculate Conception I ask of You: 

take care of my prayers, all, all my prayers; present them to Jesus and grant that will be answered!” 

Worship and supplication

O most Holy Trinity,

I adore Thee and thank Thee (as in first day)


Glory to the Father? 

Mary, our aid, pray for us! 

Sixth day

To carry my pain well, growing in love, I must leave myself, and become involved in universal pain, to plead for all my brethren. “Alexandrina, teach me!” 

Prayer of intercession

"I leave then my sadnesses, pains and bitternesses, I go to pray for all those I love, I go to pray for the entire world." 

"I see that the whole world is night, that the whole world is in revolt.  I want to rescue it, I want to save it and I cannot!  How great is my pain! 

Jesus, come and save me!" 

"Jesus, I bless all those whom I love, all the hearts friends and enemies, known and unknown, faithful and infidels, the entire world." 

"Jesus, be merciful, don’t forget us, but grant us your loves!" 

"I intercede, my Jesus, for the blessed souls in Purgatory:  for those I have promised to pray for, for those who are recommended to me, for those who are close to going to Heaven, for those abandoned -  who do not have anybody to pray for them -  and for all in general.  Hasten the hour of Your glory to them!" 

"In a very painful martyrdom of soul and body, in the three hours of agony (when reviving the Passion), I saw the divine Heart of my Jesus. 

As it was the day of his divine Heart, I asked Him, for the love of the same Heart, all the love, all the graces, all the protection and the blessings, not only for me, but for all those who are dear to me, for all my family, for all those who recommend themselves to my prayers and, finally, for the world.  How good it is to suffer, and to suffer in such a way, and, at the same time, to make petitions to Jesus!”

Worship and supplication

O most Holy Trinity,

I adore Thee and thank Thee (as in first day)


Glory to the Father…

Mary, our aid, pray for us! 

Seventh day

The true love of God, deep, exclusive, allows the soul to have confidence in Him, to the abandonment in the Beloved by whom it feels to be loved;  hence, the certainty that the supplication will be heard, in accordance to the Divine will.

Prayer of trust, of delivery

"I trust that Jesus what is best for me."  

"When my soul is discouraged, at the most painful and saddest moments, I am almost saying: 

"I cannot take more!  I cannot take more!" 

I do not finish this plea, for as soon as I reflect on what I am going to say, leaves my heart cries out: 

"I can, I can, my Jesus!  I can do everything with Your grace!"

"My shout is painful:  "I believe, Jesus, I believe!  I love You, I wait and I trust."

"Be You, o Lord, my just and infallible Friend!  I trust in Your love and infinite mercy."  "I trust, my Jesus.  

I trust even against everything, against all the world, against the death of my hopes." 

"May I see everything go against me, may I be abandoned by all, may I see the Earth coming to ruin and finally the Firmament, but never let le lose confidence in You!" 

"In the middle of my pain I abandon myself in the arms of Jesus and of beloved Mummy, sure that these most holy Hearts will have compassion on me." 

"I must trust:  I cannot be abandoned by Those in whom I have trusted.” 

Worship and supplication

O most Holy Trinity,

I adore Thee and thank Thee (as in first day)


Glory to the Father…

Mary, our aid, pray for us! 

Eighth day

The love of God must grow so much that it makes us capable of acceptong willingly His will, at all costs.  It hurts because we do not see the events with the eyes of God.  But we must trust blindly in He who loves us, even if we do not feel His love at certain very difficult moments.  Our model must always be Jesus, even in the hours of the agony in Gethsemane.  We must strive towards, and have as goal, total conformity with the Divine will. 

Prayer of acceptance

"It costs me so much, so much to accept the pain that abates me, the thorns that so painfully penetrate inwards my heart and the soul!  One "yes", one "be made your will", o my Jesus, goes leaving the heart, even if suffocated by the weight that oppresses it."

"When I am distressed, I say: 

«My God, your holy will be done in everything.  In You I trust.»" 

"The stormiest and saddest nights engulf me, but my heart murmurs: 

«Jesus wants it, I want it»"

"Jesus, I do not have another will but Yours, nor other desires that Yours also." 

"My Jesus, I want everything, everything that pleases You.  I want to console You, I want to love You... 

I want to make in everything, everything, Your most holy will." 

"That my life be Yours, Jesus; Your divine will mine." 

Worship and supplication

O most Holy Trinity,

I adore Thee and thank Thee (as in first day)


Glory to the Father…

Mary, our aid, pray for us! 

Ninth day

Having arrived at this point, let us contemplate the triumph of love, which does not remove the human suffering, but helps us to surpass it, sublimating it.  To this we are all called, not only Alexandrina, although in her most heroic soul she has reached great heights.  At the end, love triumphs, and we arrive at the splendid «magnificat» of admiration and recognition.  You feel that truly (Ps 148)

"Shines in the universe
                           the glory of the Lord."

Prayer of the heart and of gratefulness

"The fire of the heart creates in me a great love for Jesus, His law and everything which belongs to Him, for loving the Mummy and the most Holy Trinity! 

I want only to belong entirely to Him, to consume myself and to disappear in this Deity.” 

"I suffer and I suffer very much.  I throw myself in spirit into the arms of Jesus and, close to Him, I say: 

"What I want is to love You, my Jesus, and with Your grace to overcome my pain. 

I am Yours, my Jesus, and I will never let You go". 

And, with this strong desire of not being separated from Jesus, passes the storm." 

"The close union I felt with the Lord did not belong to this world." 

"To bask in Your love gives strenght in the cross. 

I want to love You forever, I want to love You forever." 

"It Is Jesus who wins. 

It is He who has saved me from despair. 

I want the entire world and the whole Heavens to thank the Lord for me; but all this thanks to equal my gratitude to Jesus." 

"To all creation that praises the Lord, I ask “praise Him for me”."  "Blessed be, my Jesus! 

My eternal thanks, always, always, night and day." 

Be praised and thanked at each moment the most Holy and most Divine Sacrament of the Eucharist! 


My soul praises the Lord,
my soul is glad because of God, my Saviour! 
Praise and glory to You,
light of the morning! 
I exalt You, God, my King;
I will sing You forever. 

Praise God, immense and infinite heavens;
praise God, eternal choirs of the angels! 

And let us conclude with Alexandrina:

"My heart jumps, leaves the world. 
It sees in the heights the greatness and the love of the Infinite.
O, what thirst of losing myself in Him! 
What thirst of giving to that Love what He desires!"


Glory to the Father…

Mary, our aid, pray for us!

[1] The author of this Novena was the Italian Eugenia Signorile, who, with her husband, wrote many books on Alexandrina, attributing always their authorship to the Blessed. You can find the Novena in the book Sulle ali del dolore, Gamba Edizioni – Via Camozzi, Verdello (BG), or in the site «Preghiere a Gesù e Maria»; the quotations of Alexandrina’s writings were almost all conferred with the Portuguese originals.

Mrs Madalena Fonseca got her cure at the end of a novena to Alexandrina and was this miracle that allowed the beatification. José Ferreira